How to make the perfect ballet bun

How to make the perfect ballet bun

In the shop we get asked all the time how to make that perfect ballet bun, so we thought we would out together a step by step guide of some tips and tricks of how we like doing our ballet buns. There are a few characteristics of what the ballet bun should be like. Firstly it should be secure and not fall out when you are doing pirouettes, secondly it should be nice and neat with not too many lumps, bumps or fly aways and lastly it should be quite flat to your head.

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Ok, let’s get started.

How to make the perfect ballet bun

What you’ll need…

  • Water Spray BottleΒ 
  • Hair Brush
  • Comb
  • Firm hair tie
  • Bun or Hair Net (depending on length of hair)
  • Bun pins
  • Bobby pinsΒ 
  • GelΒ 
  • Hairspray
  1. Brush your hair to remove any knots or tangles
  2. Lightly dampen your hair by spritzing with a spray bottle of waterΒ 
  3. Using a hair brush or comb, smooth the hair back neatly

4. Secure your hair tightly into a high ponytail using a hair elastic. You want the ponytail to be tight in order to finish with a secure bun, so wrap the elastic around several times, depending on the thickness of your hair. Place the ponytail on your head wherever you want the finished bun to be

5. Use a fine-tooth comb to smooth out any lumps or bumps. Secure with bobby pins

6. Twist the entire ponytail in one direction until it forms a tight rope. Make sure all of your hair is included in the twist

7. Begin wrapping your hair rope tightly around the base of the ponytail. You want the twist to be tight against your head, so continue twisting your hair as you wrap it around

8. Secure your bun with fringe pins. Be sure to include hair from the bun as well as your head into each hair pin. This will ensure the bun stays secure while you’re dancing

9. Now wrap your hair or bun net around your bun. Girls with long or thicker hair will find it easier to use a hair net as it will be large enough to cover the bun 2 or 3 times

10. Press down and spread out hair inside the net to ensure a flat ballet bun.Β 

11. Secure the net with more bun pins if necessaryΒ 

12. Now that your bun is in place, lightly spray your bun and surrounding hair with hairspray and gel down any β€˜fly aways’  

perfect ballet bun

13. Your ballet bun is now complete!